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Welcome! I am a sixth-year Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science at The Ohio State University, majoring in International Relations and Comparative Politics.​ I am currently on the academic job market.


My dissertation entitled Welcoming Migrants and Refugees: Governance, Labor, and Integration of Venezuelans in Brazil examines how Global South states respond to mass migration influxes that occur in short periods of time with innovative policy efforts. Specifically, it answers the questions: who governs migration at the grassroots level and how? And how are migrants and refugees integrated into local, small communities? I answer these questions through extensive fieldwork, semi-structured interviews, and participant observations conducted over the course of twelve months and multiple field sites across Brazil, with funding from the Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Grant. 


​Overall, my research interests focus on migration and refugee politics, security studies, and global health politics, with a regional focus on Latin America. My research publications include peer-reviewed articles in Security Studies, Security Dialogue, the International Feminist Journal of Politics, and Latin American Perspectives

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